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LYFT does not contain any tobacco at all. Instead, high-quality pine fibers are used in combination with nicotine and selected aromas. Through our unique manufacturing process, we succeed in producing the perfect mixture of ingredients that provide an intense and exciting sensation. LYFT is part of the British American Tobacco (BAT) tobacco group.

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LYFT Easy Mint Slim

48.00 kr430.00 kr

LYFT Freeze X-Strong Slim

48.00 kr430.00 kr

LYFT Ice Cool Strong Mint Slim All White Portion

48.00 kr430.00 kr

LYFT Licorice Strong Slim All White Portion

48.00 kr430.00 kr

LYFT Lime Strong Slim All White Portion

48.00 kr430.00 kr

LYFT Mint Slim All White Portion

48.00 kr430.00 kr

LYFT Ruby Berry Slim

48.00 kr430.00 kr

LYFT Tropic Breeze Slim

48.00 kr430.00 kr

LYFT Urban Vibe Slim

48.00 kr430.00 kr

LYFT Winter Chill X-strong Slim

48.00 kr430.00 kr